Mel Gibson, James Woods, Chuck Norris, and Clint Eastwood come to mind but last 20 years is a different breed and far inferior
Add self-aggrandizement, paranoia, and sense of entitlement for a more thorough study
She was just OK, but tired out after third orgasm
If that is what you consider "incredibly brave" you must be a total Snowflake yourself
You sound like a Pajama Boy
Birthright to what?
Ann easy fun stress-free life
Nobody owes you anything but what you can earn/achieve for your self through YOUR own initiative.
When they laugh at the "entitlement generation: your picture is there.
Poor little victims that can't "get ahead" cuz he is being held down by The Man".
Grow a pair and compete like mankind has done since the beginning.
"Pity me" is a pretty dismal way to approach life.
Your only alternative is form a Pity Party with others helpless powerless people like yourself.
If you wait for others to "make it right" or do it for you, you will have a very long wait.
World & life isn't "fair" - it is Order through effort and without effort trends toward Chaos (paraphrased from the 1st Law of Entropy)
I think you missed your flight.
You must have had the wrong gate
The Lion’s Gate portal is happening on Saturday, 8-8-8, the 8th day of the 8th month, in an 8 year (2+0+1+5 = 8). The number 8, also happens to be associated with Leo, strengthening you with courage to expand you beyond your limits.
(2+0+1+5 =2015
How come you guys keep changing the date?
Another "secret error" in reading the Mayan calendar?
Doesn't in make you little sad that the Ancients knew so much more than you so they could pass it along.
You missed the Comet Hale–Bopp liftoff
Make me think of the Heaven's Gate cult mass suicide:
Heaven's Gate was an American UFO religious millenarian cult based in San Diego, California, founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927–1985).[1] On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group, who had participated in a mass suicide in order to reach what they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft following Comet Hale–Bopp.[2][3]
The group no longer exists, as its now non-existent website stated that: "Hale-Bopp brings closure to Heaven's Gate … Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion – "graduation" from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave "this world" and go with Ti's crew."
Belief system
Heaven's Gate members believed the planet Earth was about to be "recycled" ("wiped clean, renewed, refurbished, and rejuvenated"), and the only chance to survive was to leave it immediately. While the group was against suicide, they defined "suicide" in their own context to mean "to turn against the Next Level when it is being offered" and believed their "human" bodies were only vessels meant to help them on their journey. In conversation, when referring to a person or a person's body, they routinely used the word "vehicle".[31]
The members of the group added -ody to the first names they adopted in lieu of their original given names, which defines "children of the Next Level". This is mentioned in Applewhite's final video, Do's Final Exit, filmed March 19–20, 1997, just days prior to the suicides.
They believed "to be eligible for membership in the Next Level, humans would have to shed every attachment to the planet". This meant all members had to give up all human-like characteristics, such as their family, friends, sexuality, individuality, jobs, money, and possessions.[32]
"The Evolutionary Level Above Human" (TELAH) was as a "physical, corporeal place",[33] another world in our universe,[34] where residents live in pure bliss and nourish themselves by absorbing pure sunlight.[35] At the next level, beings do not engage in sexual intercourse, eating or dying, the things that make us "mammalian" here.[36] Heaven's Gate believed that what the Bible calls God is actually a highly developed Extraterrestrial.[37]
Members of Heaven's Gate believed that evil space aliens—called Luciferians—falsely represented themselves to Earthlings as "God" and conspired to keep humans from developing.[38] Technically advanced humanoids, these aliens have spacecraft, space-time travel, telepathy, and increased longevity.[38] They use holograms to fake miracles.[36] Carnal beings with gender, they stopped training to achieve the Kingdom of God thousands of years ago.[38] Heaven's Gate believed that all existing religions on Earth had been corrupted by these malevolent aliens.[39]
Clean up on Aisle #2
He must be conspiring with all the doctor is the US!
He found a way around HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), and got allthose evil doctor to email all the medical to his personal email.
Do he and his wife pick up the bodies, harvest the organs and deliver them to the Cabal.
Geez, the States must be in on it too since they often have Organ Donor checkbox on your driver's license
This conspiracy is bigger that we can imagine
But at least we have it all and we have more than we know.
Let;s got other people to dig on this, since we need to strategize on the Plan
Yeah, they had to put some clothes on her so we wouldn't' be too grossed out
Mostly open source, just like us with org charts
Short form
MI5= C_A
Parliment - Congress
Prime Minister ~ President
Queen = Oprah
We good?