Look people. Known Tom Hanks since high school. Not creepy at all. Nice guy. Robin Williams was weird, not Tom.
>>2293335 Not in their essence they don't. Trust me, no creepy feelings from tom. Creepy feelings from Robin. Sean Penn, into some out there stuff, but not criminal. Just the normal overpriveleged guy. Hard ass: George Lucas.
>>2293355 No, he really didn't. He was super talented. He got there honestly.
>>2293372 Nope you are way off. And I keep telling you where to look. You are distracted by a red herring.
>>2293390 The truth is hiding in plain sight. Hopper Penn looks just like his namesake, Dennis Hopper. He was just arrested. Son of Sean Penn. The easiest place to hide something is in plain sight.
>>2293448 No. Thank God.
>>2293448 To be in the club means that no one protected you from it. It is a great honor to be outside of the club. Tom Hanks is no predator.