Drugs much more so.
I'd like to ask the anons to think about the role that heavy drugs like pills and powders play in all this satanic child abuse and related crimes.
I call them child sexual abusers because the -phile suffix means love, not sick abuse, like Anglophile or Francophile.
Read: Cheap foreign labor welcome.
THAT's the ticket!
Upstanding citizens.
I cant figure out if Bruce is crooked or a complete fool. I tend to think fool?
Yes, the crooktards stole the birthright of the millenials all across the spectrum. Millenials should be demanding deep state heads on a platter!
Im so brave Im posting rn that Soetero was a fake, ineligible Resident. Hewah me rawr.
A real doll and a chinese is about a toss-up on personality.
The basic human right you fucking jerk off. You dont know shit.
any right or privilege to which a person is entitled by birth:
Democracy maintains that freedom is a birthright.
Ive accomplished more and been more places than youve ever fucking dreamed of, you twit.
Cops are the #1 Enemy of the People. The masonic street thugs of a corrupt govt.
Personally, I dont like clogging up the thread with all the past info, just the recent q posts are all I look at.
Constitutional Carry eliminates the armed police forces we dont need anyway.
I like to see SOME actual evidence before I label ANYBODY a child abuser. Like there's evidence for Joe Biden, all the sniffing.
Suits me.
Teens are into fb at all. Death blow .
Deny moar.
Yeah, Q posts aint gonna cut it. Heads must roll.
She also publicly offered bribes to Senators, which are felonies.