Think MiЯЯoЯ.
In Яussian,
Я is Me.
It is all about Я.
Instructions unclear; dick stuck in bottle. Send help.
After looking at a rash of twat responses to POTUS tweets from earlier; it seems that the
<muh POTUS is in Putin's Pocket
narrative is still chugging along.
This is why Q mentioned
>It must happen.
>Conspiracy no more.
Once Q hits the mainstream irrefutably, there's no ability in the slightest to deny that Trump has been involved with M.I.- and that would absolutely go against the grain of any suggestion that POTUS was ever some russki cohort or whatever..
Hmm, can you explain more about this Sirius transit?
>Wounding the lone assailant
Why's this seem somewhat reminiscent of the BDT event?