Now my question anons, where does the satellite view source their images from? Does Google, bing,etc source images from same source? What's needed to have a imaged edited like these clearly are? A simple request to publisher? More then a request? Maybe worth a dig?
They would be complicit in what goes on in the island I would think, I'll try digging more, workfag though.
Yeah I just saw that too, i can't imagine they wouldn't of scraped wiki yet with their boys yet, maybe that's a mistake, it said in another Article she owns only 80%
Scrubber bots I meant, fucking auto correct fail
Lol david gilmour, owner (?) Of wakaya island, cofounder of barrick gold mining, among other companies, ties to bush family, a tangled web i don't have time to dig. Some smart fucker with time can find a opensource tieing nxivm and this guy i bet.
Yup and barrick gold mining
I have a 5 mnth old :-( what is wrong with these people
Looks agricultural like you said, could be made with intent, but if it was grown over sand dunes (as in irrigated what used to be natural sand ripples from wind)