Until this no longer is allowed, our fight will go on.
You cannot serve 2 Masters
Pick One, or GTFO
Until this no longer is allowed, our fight will go on.
You cannot serve 2 Masters
Pick One, or GTFO
You here to tell us you'll celebrate your nuts shrinking & your manboobs growing, soyboi?
Don't need to.
I know that through the NDAA
These fuckers are getting filthy rich
And sending our best young soldiers to die in shithole countries for ZOG & Greater Israel
Why are we not fucking stopping this shit?
Punchy has small man syndrome, prolly a small benis too, so he has to fuck babies to bust a nut.
Ride this pedovore's back till he's in Hell, Anons BTW here's another worth looking into I posted but it got ignored LB