How does it feel to know the overlords that you serve are preparing escapes for themselves while you have to remain in your positions holding the line?
I.E. obummer making plans to flee to Africa
Mccain faking brain tumor and preparing to fake death
Clapper trying to make a deal to CYA
How does it feel to be abandoned while you are expected to hold the line? Do you think you will receive mercy because “you didn’t know any better”?
Do you have the millions of dollars in off shore accounts and price islands to run away to?
Here’s some history. Near the end of WW2 hitler ordered everyone fight to the death. The SS followed this and died. The German army surrendered and lived. What was hitlers fate? Comfortable life in S. America..
Why do you continue to slave for your masters who are in the process right now to abandon you to certain doom? Do your families have no value to you? Do you have no value to yourself?
It’s over.