I'm feeling what you're feeling bro.
If this operation is as thorough as we hope and think it is, then humanity will enter a new era of peace and prosperity unlike anything we could have conceived in our wildest dreams.
Consider that for all of know history, humanity has been under the thumb of an evil cabal that has pushed us down in any imaginable way. And even so, we have still risen this far! Try to imagine how far we will rise when we are finally liberated!
Hitler took a broken nation and rebuilt it into a well-oiled machine that could take on the rest of the world in just a couple of years. I'm not telling you to admire Hitler, I'm telling you to observe the power that was unleashed, simply by abolishing the money lenders and issue interest-free money. That's all it took to set the German people free from their yokes to rise to strength.
Now consider what would happen if the same was done on a global level, releasing the repressed innate power not only of the German people, but of all of us! And imagine if this energy was channeled into bettering the world in ways determined by the people, not into building a war machine run by Nazis.
Are you beginning to see what a glorious future your children could be about to inherit?