Anonymous ID: 39ec38 July 26, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.2300021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I keep asking myself "What can I do to help". I never come up with a logical reasoned idea. It must be grand.


It was another regular day. I stopped at the gas station to fuel up my rusty bomb around truck. There is an intoxicated man semi bothering a women for a smoke. We have many intoxicated people that walk around here. Seems thr gas attendant called the fake police. Some places have rental cops that enforce by laws.


I am watching the scenario unfold. The man is up against the vehicle being arrested. I turned for a split second and then I heard it. I heard a skull crack on the ground. The rent a cop had slammed this barely of a man to the ground. This rental cop is gigantic. 6.'4 couple hundred pounds. The drunk 6'2 not even 200 lbs.


I walk over and see blood draining from his onto the pavement. Now I'm angry. I approach the rental cop touch his arm and say "Look what you did to him! LOOK!! I am making this giant look angry what he did. He couldn't. He couldn't even look at me. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT!" Some other words were exchanged and I went back to my vehicle. A real plain clothed officer appears on the scene. Telling me to calm down. Because you see I was the only person to say something that day. And when I did the others around me joined in.


Now here is the kicker. The rent a cop is white male. The intoxicate man is Native American. All the bystanders are Native American. I am not. I a, also 5'3 with no real presence. Until you make me mad. Then I am a giant.


You bet I marched my small white has up to that giant rent a cop and called him out on his shit. Because that's what we do when we see people being mistreated that don't deserve it.


The man didn't do anything to have his head cracked open on the pavement,


That is the day I realized I help out everyday. In small ways.


Be the change you want to see on the world.