I have a general theory to everything going on without trying to ramble on and on.
I think Mueller and RR struck a deal knowing they would hang for their crimes, so to spare their lives they are working for POTUS. Nobody would see that coming ever and it will be talked about 300 years from now in our history texts.
If Sessions made one blink to try and step in, in re: to RR not complying, MSM and politicians would hit with Thors hammer.
In the meantime Sessions stays as far away as possible while Mueller and RR take down the very cabal they worked side by side with in the past. Sessions isn't lying when he fully trusts RR because he knows the leash is held tight on him and the cabal is crumbling. This keeps MSM and corrupt actors at bay, none of them are the wiser. Remember these people are stupid.
Lastly Mueller will clear POTUS of crimes and slam down a stack of papers saying, this whats really going on…. then dominos start falling at a rapid rate. POTUS will say I told you so and Politicians and MSM can't argue the findings from someone they thought was their "boy" all along. Heads will explode world wide. Idiots.
POTUS and team have been trolling these fools since day 1 and its done in plane site. Fun to watch as sad as all this is. As we anons dig we are really watching a play unfold every single day. The director of the show happens to be Trump. Art of the Deal. If I'm on the right track Trump will be known as the most honest US president in history, all the lies will fade and POTUS will walk into the 2020 election and blow his opponent away as Americans celebrate having their country back!
This is the only way this entire ball of wax makes sense to me.
Thank you POTUS/Q TEAM/ANONS and everyone else trying to make this world a better place.
So i rambled, this is complicated.
God Bless