These murderers need to be arrested. Those who didn't kill but participated in the cannibalism need to be charged with committing indignities to a human body.
His face creeps me out.
Why don't these courts give a crap about children separated from their parents via corrupt CPS officials and private prison profiteers?
Too bad she didn't at the outset say: "Can't you take a joke?"
Hillary and Soros have their hooks in Trudeau.
She wasn't being racist. She was observing that Jarrett looked like a character on a fantasy movie.
Humans are all one race biologically and scientifically.
Vancouver Island is a hotbed of satanism according to police reports I researched years ago.
That was the Hollywood Anon who talked about the humiliation ritual. Interesting that satan's worshippers are treated like slaves to be humiliated, rather than as members of the royal family that Jesus invites us into.
YES!! Someone who cares as a speaker.
Hopefully he is being escorted out as we speak/read.