I do not ask these questions casually.
I do not ask these questions hastily.
I do not know BO, but I have watched him since we first came here from halfchan.
I watched him because I knew that the clowns would attempt to control this movement using deep plants.
Anyone who steps forward as a leader has equal chances of being a patriot or a clown (not because there are as many clowns as patriots, but because the clowns have paid employees who specialize in doing this full-time and, to my knowledge, we do not).
We can only judge the leaders here by their actions and the consequences of their actions. We cannot know their motivations.
I have kept my silence for months to avoid causing division. I have considered the consequences very carefully before speaking up.
The risk of staying silent has become greater than the risk of splitting the board.
Some questions bear repeating until they are adequately addressed.