little or no fuss was made about:
business as usual for dems most likely?
little or no fuss was made about:
business as usual for dems most likely?
The Storms epicentre seems to have missed the US by not much, what with HAARP and chemtrails no doubt ;)
a very fine democrat by the looks of it.
Kraft recalls Taco Bell Cheese dip due to botulism. They went too far with the Mexican authenticity.
basket case, deplorable really.
Obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer
reminds me of hyena for some reason.
Better (too) late than never?
like this needs "studying".
Tommy Robinson documents this extensively and uploaded to publicly accessible social media his conclusions many times: he even serves a long prison sentence for just that.
More than 90% are Pakis and more than 95% or so are mohamedans of various stripe.
What needs studying? Oh, they got subsidized and need a good alibi to pocket the loot, is that it?
The utter shamelessness…
The muh sheep…
Come to think of it, what was wrong with the study (on grooming gangs) by the Quilliam foundation?
These researchers from Paki descent came to these same (unfortunate?) conclusions.
Maybe they want to reach some other, more PC conclusions this time.
Like holding a referendum and if the result is not what had been projected, holding another one until the needed answer makes it. Sad. Just like London mayor: Sad I Q Khan. Also Paki BTW.
Fetus Inside TM
niggas will nig.
can't live without violence and lust fantasies.
The envy that pervades his utopia, so sad.
Those libtards imagine this gore to have the same effect on us as it has on them haha, the joke is on them.
Amygdala amygdala, they're at a loss to comprehend the world and their place in it really as they prefer the ideological perspective above the realistical one.
haha yes, whatshisname.