Why did Q lie about JA being safe?
Who did that lie help?
Who did the lie hurt?
Q claimed that the 2018 election is safe.
How has Q, or anyone else, secured the the election from the dead vote?
How has Q, or anyone else, secured the the election from the illegals votes?
How has Q, or anyone else, secured the the election from those bused around voting multiple times?
How has Q, or anyone else, secured the the election from the simple card switch which is all it takes to change votes?
How has Q, or anyone else, secured the the election from fractional votes?
Who is helped by stating that the election is safe when nothing has been done to secure them?
Who is hurt?
What happens to DJT if D's take House &/or Senate?
What happens to DJT supporters if R's lose?
You think the violence against the right will end?
Yes, Q, these people are stupid.