>Let's look at amazon. They brought on the CIA as a customer of their cloud computing
>platform. The CIA needs Amazon's product, does it? CIA has essentially unlimited
>funds, more programmers under contract than Google, Amazon, FB put together. They
>do not need Amazon.
>Amazon's deal with CIA is pure cover, it is a paper trail that covers up backchannel
>funds. FB didn't create a fake paper trail, they put CIA money under the umbrella of
>"user revenue". Stupid.
>Question: how did Twitter survive for so long with so little money coming in
>from adds? Why almost billion dollar R&D budget? What are they researching?
>They made the same mistake as FB.
Got to funnel all the drug and black ops money somehow. That and the money gained from stock market machine trading and manipulation. Must be trillions by now. Hahaha, talk about a shadow economy right in front of our noses.