Potomac Coalition Request
Clinton Cabal from the '92 campaign.
To: john.podesta@gmail.com, arenteria@hillaryclinton.com, ldrane@hillaryclinton.com, mharris@hillaryclinton.com, kfinney@hillaryclinton.com
Date: 2015-12-18
Subject: Potomac Coalition Request
This is a group that we formed around the Clinton 1992 campaign. We have held it together and expanded it over the years. A good number of the members are former Capitol Hill staffers and lawyers who know John and have requested him to represent the Clinton campaign this year at their January meeting in Wilmington, Delaware. If John can't make it, lets think about who else might work for this group. There is also a lot of fundraising potential with this group that includes several partners at law firms. They are also inviting a rep from the Sanders campaign.
> Mr. Lester,
> Thanks for speaking with me today. I have attached the biographies of all Potomac Coalition members. We are hopeful to land John Podesta, but are open to other suggestions that you may have. Again, the retreat will be held on January 8-9 in Wilmington, DE at the Hotel DuPont. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
> Best,
> Christian