Fucking amateur
Same shit as last night
I dont know what the fuck to make of this besides COMPED
Or losing his goddamn mind
Which BV is this again?
BO was here for a few hours today, longer than I expected, but no, nobody mentioned it to him
I didnt really wanna bother him with it while he is vacationing and just hopping on for a few buuuuut this seriously needs to be addressed immediately
Lets see, there is
Big Trouble
Peace and Love
The cyberpunk/anime BV
and thats all I can think of. I might be forgetting one or 2
Ya know, we had a nice pleasant and stable atmosphere in here until Leaf got the boot
That was what, going on 3 or 4 weeks now?
All hell broke loose when that played out and has gradually gotten worse and worse.
Dont look at me like that, Im not defending Leaf's ass by any means.
That just so happens to be when this started
Knew about Yarvo but Blackeheart (Fucking ironic) is new to me
The vid is making its rounds on YT about Buzz Aldrin saying we didnt go to the moon