Maybe Roths go down with Israel, would be logical given their history
Nunes is from Calif, so on that point I disagree.
The Persians' ancestors were the world's first sophisticated stargazers. The significance of this eclipse to their country will not be lost on educated Persians.
Even early Islamists held stargazing (and interpretations thereof) in high respect. It was only later that they abandoned their inherited knowledge base in favor of oppression.
Those in the know in Iran will have prepared for this day.
The judge on Edgar Madison Welch's case as Ketanji Brown, the same judge that has been assigned to the James Wolfe case.
I suppose you'd reinvent the explanations for the Obama admin spying on the Trump campaign…
Seems like very similar motives. Also consider people lying to deceive Americans… like no one named "…stein" has ever lied to deceive Americans before?
It's a "blow" to incomes of parasites like banks and RE agents.
Pray they're found before tonight, else they won't likely be seen ever again :-( Blood moon satanic ritual murders… Time to be a little less "tolerant" of neighbors you know are satanists, IF your child/ren have gone missing in the last 10 days.
quoting a percent of a percent, just to distort the truth and distract from POTUS' accomplishments. Preying on the public's mathematical inadequacy courtesy of government schooling.