And again I will say not everyone is on here so much that shit is repeated till they get annoyed. I probably am on the last day of this.
It has little importance in the mechanics of this board. But it has extreme importance in the motivations of the men who put this amazing plan together.
After I did it I realized I might of slightly outed Q. But I did not think about that till yesterday. So if any of the real guys is pissed at me.
I really regret that. I hope not. I think (((they))) had to know at least as much as I narrowed down.
I know Q knows I am just a goofy anon and meant to harm.
From the beginning of Pizzagate I grew to believe that there was a struggle between two sides in real life. The FBI anon stuff. Q stuff. Mark Passio stuff. You get a diet of that 18 hours a day for a year and a half and you can start picking apart the occulted stuff in media that is all around us everyday.
Brainstorm is what I say it is. If you cant see it yet is a shame. Because when you do see it. It really gets your mind fired up. It is like one of those pictures that if you look at in a certain way becomes three D. Usually you see just one thing…then when your eyes become unfocused….wow the other image comes into view.
Brainstorm is that.
When it pops for you you can not unsee it. When it pops you will be like "holy shit" hiding in plain sight the whole time?