Sarah will wind up like Judas Iscariot. She'll hang herself.
People get on a subject and they won't let it go (recall Corsi awhile back).
To all of us to be patriots.
Cool your tits, Yosemite Sam.
Shitty try, actually.
You have no real idea what "strung along" really means.
Go watch something on Netflix.
Send him to hell.
And pipe in loud patriotic music 24/7.
And you're a worthless shithead.
HRC enters a swimsuit contest.
Read the Fake News shithead?
For newfags who want to get up to speed quickly here, get a Chatty Anon Doll and pull her string at least 100 times.
Or will a bird sing after a bullet to the head?
>there are a lot of newfags/cluelessfags here rod new
And it happens all the time, throughout the day, every day, doesn't itโฆ
1000 times the length of his dick.
Now you know why Old Hickory hangs in the Oval Office.
Something very bad is going to happen to the gorefag.