The girls from Brazil. Fucking "Boys from Brazil" was basically true. But they hate women and planned to use women to destroy the world at the end. Jews hate women…they framed Eve to destroy the trinity and steal anything they could.
That should read….multilateral institutions empower the Jew at the expense of the human.
This must be proof of zero point energy because if they were using power plants around the world to crank the energy enough to do this we would be able to detect them and cut the damn connections. [they] must have their own zero point plants that are directly on site of the weather modification technology.
Still seems we should be able to detect them and put a strike package together.
Odd stuff if [they] were still allowed to control the weather.
I agree. Good time to take gloves off and beat them into a bloody pulp.
Imagine the special sites they have where they do their industrial scale sacrifices?
Where did George Bush go after reading that satanic goat book to the kids on 9/11? Did he meet up with the big dicks in the world and did they sacrifice the passangers of the planes?
Offut Airforce Base? CIA spook sacrifice site? Know knows where the bodies are buried?