(Bread #2913)
>It's a horse and pony show
Yeah, when I think Adelson, I think Steve Wynn (Weinberg), too.
Pure speculation here based on twenty years of generalist reading. There's a possibility there are factions. Maybe lower levels were going to be absorbed by a higher level to put that global shit in place, but the lower levels were having none of it, were not going to give up their fiefdoms, and rebelled. Owning gambling and hotel chains is one thing, owning the banks, and medicine, and education, and manufacturing, and transportation (what did I leave out?), a whole other level. It might be possible to separate the groups according to how many zeros are attributed to their wealth, which looks all fake to me from the getgo anyway.
O-o-o-r, maybe they really are trying to take down those creepy cannibals. Maybe some subset of fourlox have some kind of pull in this situation, decide to update and jettison that Baal shit. The D's history is not the dirtiest I've read about, but still. Talking to Oprah about running, I mean, come on. Maybe he had a line he would not cross. Maybe he decided to clean up his act. Maybe someone on the homefront motivated that. It's a good thing I can juggle multiple realities if I don't try to think about them at the same time, talk about cognitive dissonance!