I'm just pointing out that it doesn't make sense. Q says a rogue missile launch and complains media didn't investigate. This implies:
Q team wanted media to investigate
Media did not so it is against trump
And as Q said the media is #1 enemy of the public
But this feels like Q is trying to drive a narrative. If the objective was to alert the American people that this happened and Q wishes media would have done it, then it is very easy for Trump to talk about it. Or even covertly plant the story in a local newspaper or something.
Hell if our enemies wanted to make Trump look like a dufus with a divided country which would certainly weaken the stock market, economy , Trumps credibility and help ensure Rs would lose the mid-terms…. any foreign or domestic enemy could publicize this story. It would cause Trump tremendous harm.
So I'm left to conclude that this is BULLSHIT. Not sure what Q team is after, but I have no doubt it is 100% BULLSHIT based on the above line of thinking.