Interesting! I guess that’s the appeal of this story—that there are a lot of little clues to indicate that he might be alive, but not much hard evidence.
So far, I’ve been able to determine that:
1) The two people said to be JFK Jr. and Carolyn appear to be playing “characters” at the Ohio and PA rallies compared to the other “normal” people around them.
2) The JFK Jr. guy had some kind of issue with his glasses not fitting correctly at the PA rally—was constantly pushing them up—which leads me to conclude that they weren’t fitted by an optician and were likely part of a disguise. Under a magnifying glass, there also appears to be bumpy material along the bridge of his nose—perhaps to widen the look of it?
3) Both JFK Jr. and the guy at the rally had a tiny mole on the pinky finger of their right hand and Strabismus or what is known as “lazy eye.”
4) These two people knew each other and appear to have at least three children—an older girl who resembles Carolyn; an older boy and a younger girl who resembles Jackie Kennedy’s side of the house. The two older children arrived with the JFK Jr guy and the Carolyn person at the Ohio rally. The JFK Jr. fellow appeared to be an attentive parent to the little girl at the PA rally.
5) The JFK Jr guy appeared to know some of the people around him at the PA rally; in turn, quite a few of the people knew one another.
6) Somehow, this fellow was able to reserve the best seats at the PA rally for not only himself, his partner and children, but presumably, for some of the other people around him. He also got good seats at the Ohio rally. Whoever he is, he has some kind of influence—more than I would expect that Vincent Fusca guy would have.
7) At least two other people at the PA rally resemble people in Carolyn’s extended family. The closest match is the glamorous blonde woman in black who looks like Melanie Griffith. She is a dead ringer for the girl who appears in Carolyn’s childhood photos. Although I haven’t been able to track down her name so far, I believe she is likely a daughter from Dr. Freeman’s first marriage prior to his marriage to Carolyn’s mother. Under magnification, both women appear to be wearing a large ring with a dark stone on their “wedding ring” finger, but it’s not clear enough to match them. There is also a red-haired man who looks a bit like Carolyn’s cousin’s son.
8) Carolyn’s parents seem to have gone to extraordinary lengths to protect their privacy. They also seem to have moved a lot in the past twenty years—more often than you would expect a prominent doctor to move. The doctors I know build themselves mansions in exclusive spots and stay there.
9) Carolyn’s family appear to have ties to Florida including her parents who lived there. Rumours have suggested that JFK Jr. was living in south Florida.
10) And perhaps the most tantalizing clue/coincidence is the fact that Lisa Bessette's husband was Mike Roman and that a fellow named Mike Roman worked for Donald Trump as some kind of mysterious researcher. The latter has a previous address that is just south of Miami.
I keep looking at these two photos and thinking that the two men look alike. The man in the first photo with the Bessettes is unidentified, but I’m wondering if it’s Lisa’s Mike Roman as there was some indication that he was with them that day. The second is the Mike Roman who worked at the White House. I’ve found a second photo of him on his partner’s Facebook page that is an even closer match, but it’s too fuzzy to post here.
The only stumbling block is the latter’s given age—around 46 compared to Lisa’s 53. I would expect her ex-husband to be a bit older.
I may have missed something, but those are the points that come to mind. It’s disappointing to discover how few photos there are of Carolyn’s family, especially since I’ve been able to determine most of their names etc. I guess that in itself may be a clue—that they may have been cautioned about posting photos of themselves online. When I have found a photo, it doesn’t appear to match anyone in the PA crowd.
At this point, it will take a lucky break to move the research forward. These kinds of breaks do happen. In the meantime, I will “play” with it when I have time. I don’t view it as a waste of time, but rather as a relaxing hobby the way that other people play golf. Even Superman took some “down time” from saving the world.