Watching the water..
Although the profile is striking. The ears aren’t a match. And can’t compare hands with a fake hand. Still inconclusive for me.
Interesting on the B and r
Trump tweet. Capital B and R in quotations. Why put R in quotations? Why not just say Rep.?
Thank you for your insight. A band of anons will still explore the JFK connections with or without your concern.
On the move
Heading to home base port
It’s interesting you bring this up. It has been like like watching a real life episode of Fringe. Much dissonance occurring.
Yes, we know. It’s the coincidence we’re following. Just one of the dots in the data.
I would say no face overs. Let’s stick with side by sides and half/half. Faceovers can lead to credibility issues and major concordats as we saw last time.
Lol *concernfags
Yes. I was looking into all the other real estate pieces in the prior breads.
I did google earth this one and noted it is somewhat off the beaten track. A number of houses farms around it. Waterfront too, seaplane accessibility too.
One could see 529’s history! If one would pay a membership fee to access the records database. The plane is currently registered to Skydogs LLC, from what I could find open source, it is or was at one time a 5 split timeshare ownership. There was an advert in 2010 to sell 1/5 share on it. I haven’t found anything more recent yet.
Here’s the link to the Pumkin Key property with Honey Fritz on the docks.
I really don’t think that’s possible. JFK jr and Carolyn began dating in 1994. Donald jr was born in 1977. He would have been 16 years old in ‘94.
I’m not seeing it. Here are the brothers together. Same no’s and chin. Donald has Ivana’s eyes, his brother has Trump’s eyes. IMO.
How so?
How is it much more of a threat? Why?
I’ve been lurking on the general board. This isn’t any more of a threat than what’s been floated over there.
The JFK jr conspiracy isn’t anything new, it’s been around for, well, since 1999. Of everything that’s been brought up on the general boards, this is actually a “sane” and tame “conspiracy”… my .02.
Stop coming here if it upsets you.
“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”
and part of the slave trade. Blood diamonds.
I need to sleep on this one.
🎶diamonds are a girls best friend🎶 Made me think of Marilyn.
There were rumours she was pregnant. That she had an affair with JFK. Isn’t it interesting how MSM has shaped the beliefs of a generation? How MSM uses its reach to control public figures.
I found stuff in media that supported Marilyn being pregnant, as recent as last year. but then I found this article which had actual evidence, that did not support it.
Dead or alive JFK / JFK jr has a role in Q discussions and research.
There are 16 posts that reference JFK. This is a valid thread. Go away.
Sage or the do not bump option, keeps the thread from popping into view on the first page, thus keeping the screamers and concern trolls away.
Sage in this case, is a French idiom meaning be wise, be quiet. “Soit sage”
Leave all the fields above blank and just click the do not bump button below in the hide post options.
I’ve been thinking..
I saw a while back on the main board, I can’t remember, or maybe the old stuff, someone had contacted the WH to check this one out and was told this didn’t happen with Trump?
If this is so, then question is
Who? And when?
Was this prayer said daily in the OO?
Who is part of JFK secret society?
10 Feb 2018 - 3:33:29 AM
“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK - Secret Socities.
Where we go one, we go all.
Do not bump
We hear you
Just want you to click the do not bump when posting. It helps to keep shillfag away.
Re the three plane post on general.
Yes, windows get changed. Due cracks etc. A bird strike can do a lot of damage.
The top one though looks to me as having the back windows fitted as no windows. I would say that its a cargo feeder plane more than a passenger plane.
Damn. Forgot the bump.
Yes, goes to July 23rd. The day the plane took off from Va. for its excursion…
I started to think parachute jump when I saw the “dead cat bounce” in the accident report.
Ah yes. I should really use the puter, for such things and not my fingers. I went a week over.
July 16th…. Anniversary day..
April 29+ 55 goes to July 16th…
Ref: wikidates.
I Don’t know. I’m still sticking with schrodinger’s cat. A superposition until the box is opened.
I’m an evidence person.
It’s plausible, there are many gaps in the story, and many coincidences, but until all is revealed, the box opened and contents observable, it hangs in superposition.
Dude, not everything is a coded pic. It’s Telly Savalas. Famous cueball. Chill.
Agreed. SS would know a lot!
As I understand it, “Q clearance” is uniquely a dept. of energy thing- nuclear.
Then there’s Q from 007
Q from Star Trek
Q for quantum
Take you pick.
Future proves past, the saying goes.
Eyes on Pennsylvania tomorrow night.
Don’t mind Bold Red Concern-fag. He thinks this is what discredits the movement. He is unable to discern that what truly discredits the movement are the flat earthers and the reptilians guys. Why should they be able to discuss their theories and we not? You know, freedom of speech and all. He’s trying to censor us, ergo he’s not a real anon, but a shill. Q clearly said we’re watching a movie. We are merely curious souls entertaining the thought of an alternate reality and working at tying in various data points that either support, or not, the coincidences listed in Q posts that are being observed, trying to guess the outcome of the movie. We sense a real big plot twist in all this. Carry on.
Notable on the general thread
Ok, that’s a bit wild! I can’t believe they’re actually doing that!
There’s more than one. There’s a whole bunch. WTH?
Site R
Big baddaboom by the sounds of it.
I’d love to order one of those Tshirts. But they’re not shipping to outside the USA.
Interesting tweet from Avenetti..
Another dot of data.