Daily reminder that tits and ass posters are shills+bots executing fapbait procedure. Images are designed to distract and induce wasteful behavior in anons.
Exactly. Porn on the internet is not difficult to find. So why are these threads inundated with (1) and (2) posters who just post lewd pictures?
Last I checked, this was not a porn board. So why the consistent 24/7 thread seeding of porn?
You seem booty-bothered.
Stumbled on /b/ back in '07. /v/ /pol/ /fit/ /mu/ /tv/ /a/. Been here since the beginning, /pol/ /cbts/ /thestorm/ /qresearch/. Listen. I'm not saying this off hand. My shill-dar is getting pinged. 24/7 one off photos of ass, tits and lewd is by design, not by nature.