Easter symbolizes the start of Spring, the Sun (Son) resurrecting after 3 days (months) of darkness (winter), hence Capricorn (beginning of winter) being symbolized as a mountain goat, Jesus climbing the Mount of Olives before 'dying' on the cross (look up 'cross' as an astrological term). Ishtar used to align with the beginning of Aries, which is the beginning of the zodiac. A - ries A - start
Aries starts at the end of March.
April - 2
May - 3
June - 4
July - 5
August - 6
SEPTember, OCTober, NOVember, DECember
Anyway. Aries, in this case being the beginning of the journey of the white rabbit (the moon, in this case) is represented by a child, birth, purity, virginity. The child is born out of water (birth canal - Pisces). Maybe this occult concept has something to do with the pedophilia and child sacrifices. The root 'ped' is related to the 'pesce' of Pisces, the feet and the two fish being connected as the ying/yang of unborn in the womb to birthed.
how this relates to anything else, who knows.