Anonymous ID: 20c449 July 27, 2018, 5:29 p.m. No.2318515   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>2318108, >>2318195 Planefag Reports

>>2318037 ICE Banned From Using Philadelphia Arrest Database

>>2318042 Obama administration approved $200G grant to group with Al Qaeda ties

>>2318127 [[[[Brennen]]]]] putting out a HIT order?

>>2318211 USMC/ Tweet Droppin in

>>2318216 Teachers’ Unions Plan to Become ‘More Political, Not Less Political’

>>2318226 Five Clues Don Jr.’s Trump Tower Meeting Was Set Up as Dem Dirty Trick

>>2318239 Hidden in Plain Sight: Down the Google Book Rabbit Hole w/ Q’s Trip Codes

>>2318240 member all the shoes found around the canadian waters that had feet in them?

Anonymous ID: 20c449 July 27, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.2318817   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2318746 Agreed. Hanneman was impressive player tho , I do like KK for the most part just his leads are too fast and sloppy for me . Seasons in the Abyss was a good album ,real good.

>>2318795 U want to bake dude go right ahead. Im real tired of the clowning calling bakers comped .We take time away from our family's to do this for you .





