Anonymous ID: 681b42 July 27, 2018, 7:17 p.m. No.2319944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9956 >>9959 >>9965

Fail: 9 Times Globalists Claimed Mass Immigration Is Necessary to Increase GDP


For decades, the big business lobby, ideologically globalist politicians, and economists have claimed that the only route to increasing the United States’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is through increasing legal immigration levels.

On Friday, thanks to President Trump’s “America First” economy, GDP soared to 4.1 percent for the second quarter of 2018, outpacing the first quarter, in which GDP was 2.2 percent.


While Trump was on the campaign trail throughout 2015 and 2016, he repeatedly said his economic nationalist agenda would bring the U.S. GDP to at least three percent.


Globalist politicians, business executives, and economists blasted his statements at the time, claiming the only way for the U.S. to increase GDP was through mass immigration and expanding legal immigration levels beyond the already more than 1.5 million mostly low-skilled legal immigrants that are admitted to the country every year.


Here, Breitbart News chronicles the nine times globalists have claimed GDP growth was impossible under Trump:


  1. Jeb Bush in 2015: We Have to ‘Dramatically Expand’ Immigration to Get 4% GDP


In 2015, then-presidential candidate Jeb Bush claimed the U.S. would need to “dramatically expand” legal immigration to the country in order to obtain four percent GDP.


Bush said:


It seems to me we ought to be strategic about this about how do we create high, sustained economic growth And that is to shift away from family reunification being almost the sole driver of illegal immigration to narrowing that do what every other country has, spouse and minor children. And dramatically expanding immigrants that are coming to work. A guest worker program to deal in the areas where there are shortages.


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Anonymous ID: 681b42 July 27, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.2320105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spicer on White House Press Interactions: ‘Too Often It’s Now Turning into a Circus’

WASHINGTON – Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway told PJM that President Trump is “not afraid to answer questions,” which is “part of the reason he got elected,” and asserted that no reporters were “banned” from White House open press events on Wednesday.


CNN White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins said she was told by White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Bill Shine that she would not be allowed to cover a Rose Garden press availability with the president on Wednesday after earlier asking Trump a series of questions in the Oval Office that he did not answer. Collins was the rotating pool reporter at the time, meaning she was tasked with asking questions on behalf of the press corps at that availability.


Both CNN and Fox News have criticized the White House for the way the situation was handled.


“We stand in strong solidarity with CNN for the right to full access for our journalists as part of a free and unfettered press,” said Fox News president Jay Wallace on Wednesday.


Fox News anchor Bret Baier echoed the same sentiment, which was met with some criticism from conservatives on social media.


“We obviously are not afraid of questions. Donald Trump is not afraid to answer questions, it’s part of how he got elected. He takes his case directly to the people. I’m certainly not afraid to answer anybody’s questions, but there’s a big difference between asking a question and being politely asked to leave the Oval Office and asking six more questions. There’s an intransigence and a disrespect involved there,” Conway told PJM at the Trump International Hotel during a Thursday evening event held for the launch of former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s new book The Briefing.


“It’s not about asking questions, nobody was banned, I wasn’t there, I wasn’t part of it,” she added. “But I can tell you it wasn’t about asking questions, we answer questions all the time… It’s about an intransigence and disrespect for being a guest in the Oval Office. Those questions could have been asked at a different time. The press was asked to leave. The press was asked to leave again and again and again.”

Spicer addressed the conservatives criticizing Fox News for standing in solidarity with CNN.


“There are two issues at hand. One is making sure we maintain an open and accessible government for the press corps to cover the actions. But, second, I think there’s clearly a discussion that needs to happen about the level of respect and professionalism with respect to journalists’ behavior,” Spicer said during an interview with PJM.


When asked to provide an example to support his argument, Spicer replied, “I mean, I just think that when you get up and yell at the president of the United States as one member and a couple in particular have done, that’s just a level of disrespect. When you’re having a press conference, especially with another foreign leader, it’s the president and that leader that calls on folks, and they put their hand up and act like responsible, respectful adults. And too often it’s now turning into a circus where these members of the media are jumping up and down.”




Anonymous ID: 681b42 July 27, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.2320161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sarah Silverman Turns on PC Culture After It Comes for Her



Sarah Silverman was all for PC comedy restrictions before she was against them.


The far-left standup made her name from bawdy bits, all told with her oh-so-innocent attitude. How could such a nice woman say such awful things?


So it seemed logical the Queen of Not So Nice Jokes would decry the creeping terror that is PC groupthink. If squeaky-clean Jerry Seinfeld took a stand against it, surely Silverman would do the same. As a comedian, the "new" rules clearly mean less freedom for her fellow stand-ups.


See that joke? It's now off limits. Have a nice day!


Only, Silverman appeared comfortable with the current state of affairs as recently as two years ago. Here's the Hulu talker sharing her views on millennials enacting PC rules with Vanity Fair in 2016: “I think it’s a sign of being old if you’re put off by that … you have to listen to the college-aged because they lead the revolution.”


She even told The Hollywood Reporter she regretted an episode of her short-lived Comedy Central show "The Sarah Silverman Program." The show in question found her donning blackface while a black co-star dressed up like a stereotypical Jewish man to see whether blacks or Jews suffered more in our society.


hat was then.


Now, Silverman is watching as fellow lefties like director James Gunn see their gigs vanish due to PC-unfriendly jokes. And she's apparently scared.


Sarah Silverman


Some very odd people R saying I’m a pedo, re: a joke from a time not that long ago when hard absurd jokes by comedians were acknowledged for what they were — jokes — not a disengenuous national threat to people fake-clutching their pearls (whilst ranting the country’s too PC)


1:35 AM - Jul 26, 2018


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She just described the PC mindset to a "T." Easily offended souls dragging comedians without context. Yet now she's railing against it? What changed?


Does she regret her past respect for pearl-clutching college kids eager to shut down comedians? Is she now aghast at the coloring books "wounded" millennials receive on today's college campus?


Or does she simply fear her past tweets might come back to haunt her, too?


