so did the macabre bankers wish for a carck head pedoraptor sex slave
or does the cia cult just really know that demographis a little too well
<<nothing burder
so did the macabre bankers wish for a carck head pedoraptor sex slave
or does the cia cult just really know that demographis a little too well
<<nothing burder
are junkies
for fagOTUS
the goreporn is antsemite bankers whom used to gobble black cock for kicks
only the finest jingoism
gets cool costumes and dances
and daily ceremonies
how come those fraking fields around clovis NM are mysteriously gone from satellite imagery
are you out of toilet papaer???
shit or get off the pot
maybe it is all these crack heads muhjoos shills you know
malta dues
Ich kann nicht glauben, dass diese Pferdepedos das ganze Steuergeld ausgegeben haben, um Zwergpron im Balkan zu machen
Mein Milchshake bringt alle fickenden Pedos auf den Hof
Erdnussbutter haftet am Autositz
Crisco und Amyl Nitrate bitte für Frump bitte
i can;t quite you mattis
Sie aßen die Babys nach dem Sex