Anonymous ID: 024873 July 27, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.2320971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133


MSM is the "Biggest Threat to the American People"- Q


The MSM has been controlling the thoughts, perspectives, political ideation, & what THEY want us to believe is the truth.


I grew up watching or reading the News…it was always a part of my childhood & adulthood….& I truly believed everything that they told me. Hell, it had to be true if you heard it on "The News"…local & National.


I watched only CNN for many years & my local stations…I even voted for Obama the first time bc I bought what he was selling (I grew up in a small Southern, farm town with Republican parents but got indoctrinated in in college & even worse when I moved to Seattle for a few years)…BUT, something miraculous happened to me…I literally found Fox News & started including it into my daily intake. It became very clear to me that the whole MSM would never speak of the horrible policies of BHO that I wasn't seeing be played out in real life. It became so damn obvious that they were covering for him. Needless to say, I did NOT vote for him the second time but I never felt right about Romney…

Then came The campaign & Presidency of Donald Trump….HOLY SHEET! He spoke like I speak! He said things that my whole community talks about but no politician would touch bc of being PC.


POTUS campaign & his first years of presidency have opened a lot of American eyes…people truly are waking up regarding the MSM "media" trying to completely destroy Trump & find anything they can to make you think he isn't what this country needs….

Well, DJT is a blessing from GOD & is EXACTLY what we need! The CIA MSM has been exposed, Soros & Rothchilds have been exposed, PedoWood has been exposed, other countries screwing us in Trade has been exposed, Obamacare has been exposed,corrupt Politicians have been ecposed, Pedophelia & SATAnic Child sacrificing has been exposed….and my pay check is bigger & my spouse has more work (owns 2 small companies) than ever before!


The American Dream is REAL…WE just had to WAKE UP to SEE it!


Thank youAnons, POTUS, Q & all the GOOD PATRIOTS who have helped turn our country back to GOOD!


Sorry for long text but needed to share!