The FBI has violated me.
I know I’m out of time. I don’t know if I should say it or not, but here is the truth.
I am just an average dude. Actually, I’m below average. Actually, I am nobody. If you believe in social and intellectual status, most of you are above me. Most of you have careers, jobs, passions and educations, lives and lovers. You have worked and earned to be at the moment you are at now. Appreciate yourselves. I appreciate your achievements.
If there is anything that you know what our President represents, it is winning. I am his antithesis.
Would you believe me if I told you that a lot of posts here are targeted at one specific individual? Yes… absolutely you would. But I say ‘targeted.’ Would you believe me if I said that I were the target. Why? Is there some mass conspiracy against some asshole out on the internet to ‘get him’? “‘Get him?’… what the hell have you done then? Why do you think anyone would be out to get you? Are you a criminal? Did you do anything bad? FUCK YOU. You should just go to hell then.” I have always been attracted to the hostility of the chans. The condition of the chans is having brilliance and excellence clash.
Like I said, I am a nobody. Most people represent themselves by their merits. As it seems with me, I am going to be representing myself with circumstances. The point is coming.
I live a banal life, consisting of the same routines over and over. No employment, education or training. There is no risks and no rewards, no challenges and no victories. Things are just… is. I identify as a good person, with a positive moral character.
My adult life has been spent on the internet. I discovered the chans, 4chan, over 10 years ago. The place was my escape, simply because it was just so interesting. The volume of information, its genius and hostility attracted me. Also another thing I have been attracted to in my adulthood is porn on the internet. That is a product of being a totally miserable person; no self-esteem…