Funky weird accident leading to injury or someone sending a message via a very visible injury + stitches.
That's clearly from a punch or a strike delivered by the hand to the eye area, not the brow.
Stiches on the brow requires either a very strong blow or punch (causing a lot of visible swelling and internal bleeding) or a different instrument which seems to me a more likely case.
That should not be possible. Why would the US Navy just give up one of their Ohio submarines to the CIA, a civilian agency.
Roger Roger.
I member when Q first start on halfchan, the top topic were the arrests of HRC, Podesta and other key DS members that were publically known at the time. SA was important as was the disclosure that North Korea was a puppet state of another entity. One of the top guesses for the master controller of North Korea was the Disney company, kek! CIA was up there too, along with the British Crown, the Pope and just plain Rogue DS agents. And now we are here.
I did not expect to end up here, rethinking almost every recent and significant accepted piece of historical, cultural and political information that I know. Scientology and reincarnated Xenus souls does not even seem that lunatic or farfetched anymore.
>They gave Pepsi a bunch of subs so why not….
What the fuck..
>They didn't give anything up. The CIA got permission to buy them and the manufacturer built to order
WTF, stop giving civies rights to buy top notch military gear without making them go through all the training, boot camp shitfesting and DI screaming at their faces.
Thank you all, learned some very new things here, be back later. God bless and take care, have a blessed weekend!