cemex concrete shoeboxes, sitting in stationary chairs, in a dark room full of hungry pigs. Salt water misters.
Shit that's dark
cemex concrete shoeboxes, sitting in stationary chairs, in a dark room full of hungry pigs. Salt water misters.
Shit that's dark
I think other than the weird shit, Scientology is rather benign in theory. There's a code of ethics, like sexual ethics, although there are the common rumors and instances of abuse like any other religion, I would say in general, it's not openly bloodthirsty like this cabal is.
Scientology uses tone scale
from: https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Scientology_and_sexual_orientation
>Hubbard urged society to tackle the issue of "sexual perversion" (including homosexuality), calling it "of vital importance, if one wishes to stop immorality, and the abuse of children." In Science of Survival, he called for drastic action to be taken against sexual perverts, whom he rated as "1.1 individuals":
I have a silly question. This poor kid, are we sure this is cabal related or are we using a peripheral victim as a scapegoat for our agenda.
I know it's a tough question, but I'm curious, where did this photo come from? I haven't lurked any twitter accounts in the Netherlands, but how are we sure this is cabal related?
What organized religion doesn't try to do that?
Unorganized religions are the real religions. Ones that offer internal pathways to a person's own light. That's what Jesus actually wanted. He emphasized rather than following rules, create an intimate relationship with the divine (lock your doors and pray) or the other great contemplative traditions that use structure as a form of therapy rather than power grabbing. Think monasteries instead of the Vatican. Silence above speaking.
Scientology is an expensive religion that sells different stages of enlightenment to enrich itself, but it does have a moral code and at the elementary levels, it can be beneficial by activating confessional parts of the brain, exposing one to ones own self (thoughts, traumas) these are proven psycho-therapeutic patterns. But to reach showbiz levels, one has to pay a lot of money and cut all ties. It also weaponizes a person's past and confessions, which is pretty bad and culty. But it's value system is seemingly a decent relection of the golden rule principal, minus all the weird stuff.
The mormon church is kind of the same way, it's followers are usually pretty cool, minus some science fictiony bullshit, it cultivates humans to self-regulate in a healthy way and to help others, which in my view, is what a good religion is supposed to do.
it's better than believing in nothing and just behaving properly if you know you can't legally get away with some shitty nihilistic impulse.
That's why nihilists need the government to be the regulator, because they can't regulate themselves. Thus it becomes their religion, and it can become a dangerous one at that, because people of other religions have no other option but to follow that one primarily. It has guns.
But I can handle some aesthetic weirdness in a cult or a religion as long as the followers of said religion are friendly, caring and can leave others the fuck alone if they don't feel convicted to join.
All cults are not the same. Cult is a subjective term in of itself. Usually it just means a religion with a bad end or outcome. Christianity/Catholicism historically can be said to have been a cult, and has branched off into many cults since it's conception. I do believe auditing, soul cracking, confession, etc. Is a great practice and is healthy. Even if it's just you, sitting in a room and paying attention or writing down your own thoughts, regrets, or traumas. This is self-understanding, self-learning, self awareness, which is ultimately the goal of religion in time and space. It might even be what enlightenment is.
Peter 1:19 "19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. "
Satanism is self worship. And we know where that leads.
No we don't. There are different selves. Do you understand? There's a conception of one's self which is the ego, which might be what you are referring to, that wants to satisfy impulses and grow itself, and be separate.
and then there is the truth of the self that is universal in all beings. Divinity. "The kingdom is within"
Is it bad to worship ones self if one identifies as a member of the body of Christ? By worshipping Christ are we simply worshipping an idea of Christ that we have?
It's like a man who is made of sand standing on a beach being told to worship the sand on the beach, but then realizing realizing that he himself is made of that same sand.
Something to think about.
Amen. I think that the book of Thomas shines a lot of light on what Jesus meant.
There's a reason the historic theocracy trimmed that fat. A relationship with Christ is the only thing , the most important thing, to really take away from Christianity
The reason the gnostic gospels aren't in the new testament is because they aren't contributive to the power structure of the theocratic model. They really are liberating texts along the lines of zen (speaks of nonduality, etc)
Follow the spirit that inspired the 10 commandments. The basic mode of being. If one is in spirit, they would not need to be commanded to do those things, the mode of behavior would merely be a byproduct of their nature through grace.
But for those that weren't awake, they'd need to follow the commandments and fear a mythological hell in order to conduct themselves properly in a functioning society
Well unless you want to end up in jail, disliked, suffering, paranoid or in pain, it's good to assume that being in good spirit is the right way to be.