Yeah the Luciferians teach them they are superior to build them up to do anything to the Goy. The Luciferians push never to breed outside Jewdom and to not trust the Goy. But it has always been the Luciferians performing sacrifices with Goy kids that has led to all the pogroms in history. It is perfect for keeping the Jew in line. Because the normie Jews can say honestly for themselves "i didnt du nuffin" look at how we suffer. LOL. All the while the Luciferians snicker at the dumb Jews. It makes the Jews always dependant on the Luciferians and makes them cattle.
The Jew is the first and the most fucking used and manipulated group on Earth. But they have been that way so long they likely will never wake up. Jews will probably be in that 4-6% that are going to not make it mentally. Imagine learning everything Jew school taught was just to make you a slave to do what a bunch of kid eating and fucking ass fags wanted?
Your superior Jew selves are mindless puppets that think they suck on the great teat of mankind. But the Lucy boys are not going to keep them around one moment longer than they have to. Once the Jews use is over. The Luciferians are going to eat them like the rest of us. LOL.