For any anons who have missed the javascript, here it is:
I consider this to be a TRUSTED java script that I've had for a long time and have had no issues with. The original is long gone, you will see the link in the script but it is no longer there.
I just figured out how to add in the NOPE button and the fucking goreshill just went POOF, so I want to share this ingenious solution with all of you.
This Javascript is updated with Q's current tripcode, Q is bright green and You's are bright yellow, if you have gallery turned on they show up on the right side of the screen and it's clear which is which. The original javascript I started with had (you ) in pink and Q in light yellow and I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
This is a DIRECT copy and paste from my personal User Javascript Window. I actually don't know a damn thing about javascript, I just know what works.
The pastebin is here: