Revisiting the old drops…
Where do roads lead?
— All roads lead to Rome. Context doesn't necessarily mean the city literally or the Vatican as some believe.They saying is more often than not merely a figure of speech meaning that 'All paths or activities lead to the center of things.' (
Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.
—Q referenced this from Catherine Beyer'sarticle 'The Four Satanic Crown Princes of Hell'. In this article she says what LaVeyan Satanism is but doesn't really tell the reader much more. In a sister article she tried to say that right wing conspiracy theorists and conservative Christian groups created mass hysteria and misinformation in the 1980s to cause the 'Satanic Panic'. Anons who don't know what that is should dig into it. It involved accusations of abuse of children in Satanic worship practices. But the media sensationalized it without really doing any real investigative reporting. And the FBI claimed there was no evidence to corroborate the accusations. So it all died down. Sounds familiar?
–This in tandem with Q post #586 suggests that the pedo shit is not only REAL but alive and well. Since the 1980s, how many people have been busted for child porn? How many priests have been exposed for sexually molesting children? How many teachers/social workers, etc have been busted forhaving sex with children? How many people have been busted for trafficking children…the answer to all of these questions is: A LOT! Not tomention the Hollywood pedounderground… We still don't have solid evidence of the sacrifices, but according to post #586, Q does.
—The NSA has collected all this evidence…(classified?) Seems strange that they would keep this quiet, even now—until one considers how it would play out if they jumped the gun and tried to bust everybody right away. Who have we had as presidents since Epstein owned that island? Haven't they all been NWO cabal operatives? Who was running the FBI and DOJ?More cabal operatives, right? Who was director of the FBI When Epstein got busted for diddling? Isn't it the same mofo named Robert Mueller? Did Epstein get serious prison time for having sex with an underaged girl? No. He got a 13 month sentence and spent most of it outside the stockade. What about all the other undersged girls? And the rape parties (of which Bill Clinton and others were frequent guests). Q never asked, but there is a DEEP connection between Mueller and the Clintons. Bill and Hillary obviously called in favors and asked Mueller to bury the case against their buddy, Epstein. Most of the evidence that the FBI gathered was never presented in court. It was all hushed up and quietly put away. Would dirty Mueller ever have prosecuted his pedo buddies? I have no proof, but I'd bet money that Mueller himself is a diddler. He's got that weirdo look.
—Tunnels under the temple. I believe Q said they were filling these in in an attempt to cover up evidence.
Table 29.
D-Room H
D-Room R
D-Room C
—We were shown a grainy screen cap from what looked like an old VHS tape. No one ever figured this out. Is the "d" short for 'dinner'. They sacrifice the children ceremoniously to the demons, then they kill them—possibly bleed them out while they are alive. Then they drink the blood and eat parts of the bodies. What is the relevance of the acrostics with Hillary's name? Why is she at the center of everything? Is she the reigning figurehead of the global Satanic pedo cult?
Pure EVIL.
—Evil is a religious word that describes things that are the opposed to God and all things good. Though not everyone who follows Q believes in God, Q keeps makingthese religious references because he wants us to understand that whether we believe or whatwe believe is irrelevant. What matters here is what THEY believe because this is what drives them. .
—Is it?
"…We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
These people should be hanging.
Q, if you are here. We are ready for the continuation of post #586.