Ex-Exelon fag here - Keeping a close eye on these habbenings - I distinctly member when all level 4 managers and higher at ComEd had to donate at least $500 to Zero's campaign circa 2008 [or else]. Craig Adams (recently ret) from Phila PECO a NeverTrumper who went NeverTrump political during a company event. These fuckheads are all about muh diversity and only promote nonwhite niggers asians spics. Highly competent whites in corporate ghettos, muh diverse bosses fall asleep at their desk when they're not busy whipping their slaves. Get em Q…
Exelon made up of ComEd (Chicago), BGE (Baltimore), PEPCO (Wash. DC), PECO (Phila) and DelMarva (Delaware/Maryland, VA utility of some sort); EXC on the ticker
Exelon Nuclear, a division of Exelon Generation, is headquartered in Kennett Square, Pa. and operates the largest U.S. fleet of carbon-free nuclear plants with more than 20,300 megawatts of capacity from 23 reactors at 14 facilities in Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Bryan Hanson is President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Exelon Nuclear.