I was thinking the same thing. Or they got a late start in Israel after sacrificing babies last night
You’ve earned a gold star, ThoughtPoliceAnon. Thank you for ensuring the goy only discuss certain topics
Can you provide a link or something to the interview? I’d like to check it out
Ben Szemkus has given us enough to warrant further digging. But I agree caution should be encouraged with any of these characters that have been pushed here recently
How is this so? Since when have Jews been subversive to their friends and allies?
Looks like (((they))) consider her a real threat. Hopefully she’ll end up somewhere where she can be even more effective in fighting them
Getting a degree in something like philosophy can definitely help sharpen the sword of critical thinking and truth seeking. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily translate to success in our corporatocracy, but it can still prove invaluable
And not studying philosophy ensures you don’t get brainwashed? There are always exceptions to the rule, and the way you are trying to make it a black-and-white situation leads me to believe that you’re just insecure about not having a degree
You’ve just presented a straw man, which is a logical fallacy. Avoiding the point I made just further proves you have thin skin on this topic. But now we’re sliding the board and sowing division. Let’s get back to research and positive discussion