What the fuck did you just call me, faggot bitch? This coming from a cunt voting for Rand. Get off the Trump train and lay on the tracks. Watch your fucking mouth when you try and come correct. I'll smash your fucking face in.
MADAM PRESIDENT IVANKA you fucking piece of shit. KYS. Dumb shit.
Suck my dubs, shills.
3 more days, Q. Then we'll take matters into our own hands as patriots. Paul Revere will guide us.
Same. I'm just a fucking nut to my family and friends. I've never felt so alone until I jumped on the truth train.
Hey Kappy <3 Keep dropping truth bombs! If you need help let me know. If (((they))) send one of ours to the hospital, we & kek send one of (((theirs))) to the morgue.
Well I can get to Hollywood and fuck shit up if you're down.