Stock market anons - how can we find out who make huge money on shorting Facebook and Twitter? Now that I think about it, Soros likes to make money off misery. The screwed over the economies of Europe by shorting and causing chaos.
JW: "One of these men voted for the Communist Party candidate for president."
One of these men also has a LONG association with the Clintons, Bush and Obama crime families
Brennan began his CIA career as an analyst and spent 25 years with the agency.[1][5][18] He was a daily intelligence briefer for President Bill Clinton.[5]
One of the controversies in his career involves the distribution of intelligence to the Bush White House that helped lead to an "Orange Terror Alert", in late 2003. The intelligence, which purported to list terror targets, was highly controversial within the CIA and was later discredited.
In October 2015, the contents of Brennan's personal e-mail account were stolen by a hack and posted on WikiLeaks. The e-mails did not contain classified information but did include sensitive personal information, including a draft of Brennan's Standard Form 86 (SF-86) application. (who knows what else was communicated via gmail by Brennan).
“John’s got a very good political sense of what people want,” said one former CIA official who worked with Brennan and requested anonymity to talk about a former colleague. “John is very good at managing up.”
When the Obama campaign came looking for intelligence advisers, Tenet recommended Brennan.
Instead of the CIA job, Obama ended up offering him a different position, one that wasn’t Senate confirmable: assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism.
Brennan used that proximity to his advantage. He worked hard, came in early, stayed late, and demonstrated loyalty. He was political but not partisan. In a world of Republicans and Democrats, Brennan claimed to be neither. He served the president. He spoke for Obama so often that some in the military took to calling Brennan “deputy president,” according to an interview with GQ.