Speak for yourself.
I know of no one who watches/reads/listens to the Enemedia. The most leftard of those I know get their news from Faceberg then go to the Enemedia links they provide.
From 2011. He's changed his tune quite a bit but he is still GOPe along with most of what passes for the "conservative" blogosphere.
The problem is that these fuckers do no grasp the simple fact that the 20th century is over and so is their way of thinking about the political structure. The "True Conservative" nevertrumper part of the Republican party has proven themselves to be nothing more than jackasses in elephant suite.
There is no Democratic party as it existed in the 20th century anymore.
There is no Republican party as it existed in the 20th century anymore.
It is the Globalist Totalitarians Elitists vs. Americans (or British, Italians, Australians, etc. Insert name of country here).
It truly is Good vs. Evil