Q, we're well aware of how much is happening but if when you say this is the month "the world learns the truth" then we expect that knowledge to extend past 8ch/qresearch/, 4ch/pol/, r/greatawakening, and r/The_Donald a bit more than usual
While FISA revelations may seem like booms up there in DC where intel knowledge is mandatory and you're paid to spend the majority of your time learning about what it means, down here where the laymen live we have little time for the intricacies of complicated government business and consequently find stuff like the Strzok hearing more impactful as a display of who these people are and what their character is like. When legal actions result from those FISA revelations is when "the world will learn the truth" from our perspective
What is clear to us is not clear to all. You may be smart people up in DC, marines, and intel orgs, but you're missing the perspective of those citizens you seek to serve.