Anonymous ID: 438d08 July 28, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.2330207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0231 >>0278 >>0281 >>0401 >>0474 >>0494 >>0621 >>0635 >>0666 >>0720 >>0876 >>0897



I have been following this since Day 1 like so many of you. Spent COUNTLESS hours here, researching, reading, learning….

I have been frustrated and have lost my patience, like so many of you.

This is because we are SO PASSIONATE about our COUNTRY and our families…our livelihoods…OUR FUTURES, our children's FUTURES…….we want so badly to see the finish line….I am WITH ALL OF YOU ON THAT!


This screwed up country along with the rest of the world did not get this way over night. The horrors have been happening for so many years…..

Trump WAS CHOSEN to restore OUR country and our world to what GOD intended it to be!

Not the cesspool of filth and sickening wealth and poverty….the HORROR show it has become, where we have all been the pawns….where a lot of our lives have been destroyed or ALMOST destroyed….

We ALL HATE THE FILTH AND THE CORRUPTION! That is why we are here!! We have ALL in some way given back to help with "THE PLAN".

There have been so many times I have nearly lost all faith and my patience. But I am constantly reminded what Q has taught us….this is a movie.

ANONS WE HAVE ALREADY WON!! We are merely watching the PLAN play out now.

We have ALL been told we are crazy; we have dealt with the shills and the countless attacks, here, on Twatter, Facebook, at work, with our families….

But we still haven't given up HOPE, because we are STILL HERE. Even the non-believers who post or lurk here, are still here because they believe, even deep down…

We MUST STAND BEHIND POTUS NOW more than EVER! He is risking everything for US!!


I listen daily to a true patriot, a true white hat, who has been a big part of this. He is one of the main reasons I haven't given up hope. He says we have already won.

So I choose to continue to trust the plan. I fully understand why this is "taking so long". Just look at all Trump has ALREADY accomplished. It has been truly amazing to watch…..

Know that each and every one of you have all been a part of this….this will go down in the history books folks. KNOW THIS.

Remember your HOPE AND YOUR FAITH that brought you here to begin with…..


So keep researching, keep learning, keep growing….and break out the popcorn…


I don't know if any of you ever ran in a race for your life, and you are rounding that last lap, and you are in pain, out of breath, hot, thirsty, muscles are all screaming….you WANT to give up, but then….

You get that JOLT that says NO! I WILL FINISH THIS, and I WILL WIN! And you find energy you never knew you had, and you push past all the bad and you finally see that finish line….so get ready…