As long as you acknowledge they are optimized to bring destruction to their enemies
Might be illiterate American or it could be a conscientious non-American ally.
Don't be too harsh in case it is the latter
They could re-name it to "Ignorant 12-Year Olds"
Thank you for enlightening us, Mr. Obvious.
Well-intentioned, I presume but naive and misguided as Hell.
Why dod you think you will be able to convince anyone of anything?
Logically coherent?
Any reason people should/would believe YOU?
Why? Because you "know-the-truth"?
Dime-a-dozen charlatans make the same claim.
Why should they trust YOU.
Learn better communication skills
Use better, more logical and more coherent (look it up) presentation style.
Accept the fact you are not "the New Messiah"
If people sense that is your manner, you will be ignored
The world doesn't revolve around you, and most people can think for themselves, given believable information, from a credible source, that relays a coherent message.
You aren't ready yet - deal with it
Like manure on your flower garden?
How can we :"force his hand", with OUR action?
What "action" do you recommend?
Do you speak for "we the people"
Were you a cheerleader in high school?
Have you ever been "in charge" of anything except yourself (i.e held accountable for the success of a group of other people).
Trump has, and I think he can handle it without you (although it would be nice if you approve, he is responsible to a larger number of people)