Why you apologizing? Fucking nigger, always apologizing for stupid shit. And thanks baker for baking.
Are you retarded? How else would death occur in this situation? Fucking catch ligma from some oak tree in the woods? Holy fuck anon are you retarded or just stupid? Of course it is threat of assassination in one way or another. You think they are avoiding fucking plague?
You mean top faggots who talk like literally nigger socialites, observe.
This one stupid kike worshiper.
>Moving at the pace of a glacier
>Maybe in a hundred years amirite goys?
<100 is a this posters IQ
<poster thinks this is a high number
>We'll be fucking dead! LMAO
<shit tier want to be cynical humor
<obviously a faggot
Take a look at this stupid faggot, same nigger that was bullied in high school so it IP hops to continue this weak language and dismissive argument.
<Stupid nigger doesn't understand that the proof is generated by anons connecting the dots and painting the picture. Being the keystone to decode
>Sorry, it is the truth
<Such compassion, very sympathetic
>Wake up asswipes
<Weak insult, literally a limp wristed niggerfaggot loves kikes
>Use your brain
<Irony at its finest.
You talk like a faggot.
<Yes, by capitalizing truth you really make your point!
>Oh FISA, like oh em gee, there's your TRUTH. tee hee im so posh and coy tee hee
Literally this much of a nigger, being this obviously a faggot, holy shit go the fuck back to reddit
Here take this upvote
Remember you glorious nigger faggots, that the kikes use talking points on this board. They have little to no information and just blurt out key words and phrases to provide the illusion that they are in the know
>Being this dense
What part of July events are not exposing the Truth of Hollywood Pedophile and Government corruption in the mainstream? Are you being serious or just an asshole? Probably both.
Why? Just why?
You unironically don't think that GEOTUS is pissed off about the 9/11 shit? Never heard of Punished Trump? What the actual fuck are you doing here faggot? Trying to fit in and act like nothing is habbening? Literally and unironically you are a stupid nigger and needs to neck itself
Are you people stupid or just retarded? Are you this ignorant to think that those are proof enough? Those are just little "hey look anon" moments. The proof is in the sealed indictments, the change in seating and standing down of representatives, the pedophile crack down in the Hollywood and Politicians, the Anti Corruption champagne in SA, the fake dossier, the russian collusion investigation, the fucking FISA report showing collusion of media working with intelligence agencies to spy on the administration, the fucking blantant attacks on the the President from every angle form the media, the fucking left unhinged standing up for pedoniggers and the like. How fucking dense can you be? How fucking ignorant do you need to be to not connect the dots? How limited is your intellect and connectivity to the events taking place that big shit is going on? What the actual fuck are you here for? If you want the answers the proof is in the fucking pudding you stupid want to be intellectual faggots.
Oh and did I mention the human traffickers being arrested in droves and the MS-13 crack down?
Keep it up anon, some newfags are lurking and just assuming the proof, not actually internalizing it or self educating on the subject matter. Creating a coherent and global view of the intel at large. It seems that it needs to be stated again and again like the reposting of memes to drill the story into the minds of the collective. Ranging back from the Saudi Coup, to the Trip to Asia, to the reference to TRADE AND STEEL INDUSTRY, to the FBI and CIA project mockingbird, to the censorship on social media platforms in accordance to the leftist agenda, to the antifa protesters and the normalization of pedophilia from celebrities and liberals, to the missile attacks in NK to the summit, to the meeting with Russia and beyond. THe FISA document and the collusion of media, politicians and their globalist agenda to silence to public and safeguard information that would condemn their operators. Big shit has been going down and it needs to be spelled out for many witnessing this board from new eyes.
Remember that Q stated that we have more then we know, also that we forgot how to fight. Stop the shills at every step of the way who are trying to control the narrative and conversation on the board itself. They are seeding doubt and lies with every post and logic and reason will expose their stupidity and futile attempts at derailing the development of thought for newfags and lurkers alike. If a shill comes at you with disinformation or doubt or derailment, use their stupidity to realign the conversation and topic. Think about how Q just recently posted in all CAPS and realigned the topic back into place.
We can use logic and bants to ridicule and expose the tactics of the kike faggots and center the thought process back to the task at hand.
For instance, retard shit like this. When the nigger faggots run out of arguments they take the approach of adding social pressure and doubt into the board. If they cannot win through information and talking points they will stir to the profane art of social pressures.
>Oy vey, no one is listening they are just laughing
Even though if you present factual information and theory it will activate almonds on some levels shedding light on the topics in the media taking place. Remember that when you redpill, it enters the subconscious mind regardless whether the conscious mind agreed with your statement. The mind is in a constant state of absorption, think about how subliminal messaging works. The more truth is available to the mind the more the mind will subconsciously decode for truth, this is why censorship is key for the leftist agenda to work. They need to starve the mind of information so that the natural bio computer cannot navigate or compute the information into a proper global view point.
Every redpill you drop is vital and key to the development of the psyche, never be discourage and know that the process of waking up the public is requires patience and diligence. You are heroes and patriots, you are the light at the end of the tunnel. Show no feart, YOU ARE FUCKING LEGEND