What the fuck good are memes if no one ever sees them?
How the fuck would we know? Most of here gave up on "our" government 20 years ago.
The only reason we give a shit now is we were given a sliver of hope that we might get our country back
Hundred bucks says you didn't feel that way before Q chewed your ass out.
The world doesn't know any more truth than it did in June, or May….
I will continue to trust the plan….because….well…what choice do we have?
This little guy is kinda cute
The world doesn't give a shit. We were lead to believe that the world would learn the truth.
This implies a truth bomb so big that even the msm can't ignore.
One heiress that no one outside of the chans ever heard of and 99% of the world doesn't have a fucking clue what FISA or FOIA even stand for
I didn't do that before Trump or Q and I also didn't follow politics 24/7 and look like an idiot…like I do now