Yeah, we get it. Folks want to harn/kill you for dismantling the evil shit, if that is what is really happening.
Welcome to combat! Walking/riding around with people shooting at you and trying to blow you up. It ain't for the faint of heart. What makes a person effective in combat is to mentally write yourself off. Once you do that, you free your mind to focus on your own actions instead of thinking about potential consequences. In combat, people die on both sides. It sucks when it is a good guy, but it happens. The solution is to kill more bad guys.
Here's the deal – pedos going to jail, people resigning, etc is all good stuff, but from the outside view it doesn't prove a damn thing to anyone we are trying to convince.
Why the hell aren't at least some of these criminal fucks being hauled off in handcuffs? PS? Mccabe? Enough to fire his ass, but not enough to charge him with anything? There are dozens of these high-profile criminal bastards running around loose and not one has been arrested.charged?!?!?! Bullshit.
Yup,we get it – it is one big-ass swamp, and the more you look the more evil people need to be dealt with. So fucking start dealing with some of these criminals who are obvious so we have a little sauce and it will make things easier for all of us.