>>2329366 pb
Before I begin, think most of these ideas have merit, at least worthy of a reasoned discussion.
>We MUST keep the crazy to a minimum.
Yeah, well this crazy muthafucka just may have set a personal daily record for notables today with a notable/post ratio high enough you'd probably call me crazy if i divulged it.
I'd post a Tesla meme here (you know which one) but feel it's a bit counterproductive atm.
Until there is a clearer understanding of what is "crazy" and what is an alternative (dare i say, expanded) perception of our world as we know it & a deeper, broader acceptance for #2 (as well as a finer discernment of how the clowns drive a wedge through this very misperception & lack of acceptance and exploit it for all it's worth), i'm afraid we're going to continue to meet up with a brick wall on the MSM issue.
Because if you look very very carefully, you'll see that the "crazy" angle is EXACTLY the MSM's go-to strategy every time shit is just about to hit fan.
If anything, I'd vote to turn up the crazy just a bit (as long as the "crazy" always comes with tasty sauce on the side).
Just my crazy opinion.