We see it too, Anon!
It is disgusting.
THAT is what we have. Our RIGHTS.
ThanQ for the sarcastic(?) support.
Speaking it in to existence?
I absolutely believe in the concept, except for the fact I've been speaking these things out loud for years, and yet #44 still walks amongst us! kek
With or against?
Take a stand.
Sending a meme to speak for you isn't exactly making a statement.
Let's DOIT!
Post card template?
Grassroots signature collection template of Petition?
Let's plan it, DOIT!
Do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just triggered by red text?
Internet petitions DO NOT WORK.
How long have you been here?
Part of the problem or part of a solution?
What a fuking douchebag you are.
Using our enemy, Shia, to attempt to make a fuking point.
Yeah- that's me.
Being a Patriot- putting myself out there to gather signatures.
And you? A pansy that sits on his ass in mommys basement chuggin out bullshit links to speak words you are afraid to express.
Fu Q
If you have been here since the beginning, you have learned NOTHING.
KYS is anti- Patriot.
Anti LOVE and respect for your fellow human.
Hey pot calling out the kettle. Dummy?
We've been told- are under the impression- that the DECLAS EO is already written.
The PETITION insulates POTUS and puts the responsibilty on the PEOPLE, dummy.
Not if we're content sitting on our asses spewing out meme's that don't each the target audience and arguing with shills.
Time for a new strategy.
1st Amendment RIGHT guaranteed by the CONSTITUTION
NOT following along.
Web petitions net nothing.
Collecting signatures outside the grocery store.
Or we could continue to crank out meme's to each other and not get our message out per @Jack.
Got any better ideas?
Be glad to hear them.
STFU faggot.
How bout (You) stop pushing your lame-ass ideas on me.
EVERYTHING is stolen by the cabal and (You) are content with spewing it out.
Ever heard of Wizard of Oz programming? Dork.
(((they))) even co-opted the fuking rainbow that GOD gave to US.
Keep using their symbology.
That'll work.